Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ole is gone this week.


My 'substitute dad' AKA 'the person who was going to give me at least a couple hours of sleep' AKA 'my sister' got sick of us after one night.

Or, to tell the truth, she really just got sick. Poor Krista.

So it's just me and the kiddos.

Aaaaaand naptime just ended. Got to go.


  1. so sorry Kim, if only naptimes lasted longer! I would help if only I was a little closer.

  2. Hope you and the kids don't come down with whatever Krista got.

    Thinking of you!

  3. Oh, no, when does Ole come home? Hope you and babies stay well!...Linda and Grandma O.

  4. I'm SO SO SO sorry Kim!! I wish that I lived closer to you guys so I could take one of the kiddos or even both for a day or an hour or something!
