Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Two Under One: I knew this day would come....

I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it so soon.

This story begins rather grossly: Stella has been having problems with blowouts lately. Yuck. We thought she just needed a bigger size diaper. But she started wearing twos yesterday, and it turns out that wasn't the solution. This morning, I was taking a nap [THANK YOU HUSBAND], and Stella had an incident. Gideon also happened to be taking a nap and Ole didn't want to go in their room to get a change of clothes for her, and her spare outfit in the diaper bag hadn't been replaced yet [I told you, lots of blowouts], so he took Gideon's spare onesie out of the diaper bag and put Stella in it.

It fit.

I knew there was a good chance they'd be wearing the same size or Stella would pass Gideon in size, but my little three-month-old? Oh dear.

Anyway, here is photographic proof.  Gideon and Stella are wearing the same style, brand, and size [9 mo.] onsie. The only difference is the color.


  1. Gideon...why are you crying? Little (big) sis beatin' up on you already?

  2. Gideon wants his Daddy... Hope he is feeling better now.

  3. Gideon, don't you like Stella wearing your clothes?....Grandma O.

  4. Wow...way to grow miss stella!! I am still waiting anxiously for this moment in our life when Little M outgrows Little N....so far he hasn't but he's getting PRETTY close!!!
