Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I really enjoyed Carolyn's update post, so I am going to copy it. Here's what's up with my babies.

Gideon is three days shy of ten months. He is busy getting into discovering everything! He crawls everywhere and enjoys pulling himself up on the furniture and cruising. Yesterday he took four or five unassisted steps: he had pulled himself up on the rocker and wanted to get to the crib, so he just let go and went for it. [oh.dear.] He loves to eat and can easily handle anything that doesn't require teeth. He can drink from a sippy cup or a cup with a straw [or a regular cup, but that gets pretty wet]. He's a great sleeper except when Stella's bugging him. He loves books. He loves chasing the dog. He enjoys having 'clicking conversations' with you: he makes a clucking noise with his mouth, you make the same noise [or any noise], he clucks back, etc. I'm trying to teach him to clap and wave and blow kisses, but he's not interested in any of that. People generally comment on his amazing blue eyes [they are pretty great], or how well behaved he is. Things he's good at that surprise me include: wearing hats, getting his ears cleaned [he especially loves this], and getting his nails clipped. He's not very good at getting his diaper changed and I often end up with a butt-naked baby crawling halfway accross the room. Oh, how I love him.

Stella is three months and four days old. I love this age! So much happens [much too quickly]. She is now smiling all the time, she can bear some weight on her legs, and she's just beginning to laugh. Sometimes she sleeps through the night [yesterday she slept from 9-7 with just a little fussing around 5], and sometimes she doesn't [two nights ago I wanted to cry. wait, i did cry.]. She's starting to reach for things, but hasn't found much success yet. I love that I can carry her with one arm without worrying that her head is going to fall off. She likes her swing, her mobile, and her momma's face. She eats four times a day, sometimes a tiny bit at night. She's not a pacifier lover like Gideon was, but she's really great at sucking on her fist. She's wonderful!

I enjoy watching them grow. They are pretty interested in each other, but I keep them separated for the most part. I'm kind of nervous about what Gideon will do [once he smacked her in the face. hard.]. Sometimes Gideon tries to click at her, and he's always trying to grab at her. This stage of life is crazy! Crazy and fun.


  1. If you were truely copying there would be adorable pictures of the kids! ;-)

    Woo hoo for exciting.....I can't wait to see him!!

    Woo hoo for exciting.....I can't wait to see her!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE! the updates! It also makes me feel better that you did it too...I felt like one of those "bragging" moms that always bother me. The thing is, we're just amazed by our babies...who aren't as much baby as they used to be! I'm guessing we're the same in that everything they do is magic :) Your kids are absolutely beautiful! I know I already mentioned it but I really like the hat you made for Stella P. Such a cutie.

    Hugs to you momma!
